As Community Creates Together,
Community is Created.

The Mission of the Mandala Medicine Movement is to bring mandalas as points of connection, beauty, and peace to your town and to cities and towns the world over. Foundational to our method is that it is provided by the community, for the community, is free, and involves people of all ages and all artistic abilities.
We invite you to join us on this journey. If you find yourself intrigued or inspired please reach out and start a dialogue. We're looking forward to exploring what it will take to do this together.
Dialogue subjects will include:
Team development
Education & design
Residency program
​Painting the Mandala​​
Completion ceremony
Together we are fostering the next generation of community builders in our process so the joy, beauty, and sense of belonging may be shared and continue to grow among people the world over.
We base our method on these 13 principles:
All ages, All abilities, All genders.
We are sincere and straightforward in our communications.
We treat each other as friends.
We care about each other and exercise and model compassion.
Everyone is important. Your presence and participation have value.
Everyone is creative and we encourage and inspire participants to be brave
and to allow their creativity to shine forth.
All materials and guidance are provided free of charge to participants. This is possible because of generous support from the community through donations, grants, support from the city and local organizations and the volunteerism of our friends, neighbors, and visitors.
Spirit of Place
We guide the pictorial artists to ponder on what they love about their locale and to consider the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
This encourages participant's connection with the land and places them in the here and now.
This is foundational to our Mandala Medicine Movement method.
All participants and helpers are guided to work well together.
We have a strong overall design which allows for pictorial artists to be
expressive in their assigned spaces, within the greater whole, while others are fill-in painting.
We foster harmony in the space.
Freedom and Improvisation
We encourage sharing ideas on the spot and supporting each other's expression in the space.
We respect each other, from the smallest baby to the eldest and all those in between.
A peaceful atmosphere is promoted and protected.
We make decisions and take action keeping the good of the individual and the whole in mind. We apply our experience and knowledge with sound judgment.
We are sharing this method of community-engaged mandala making with the intention of leaving a living legacy and a published “blueprint” for those yet to come.
The method works best with a mix of ages and genders on the support team and with grandmothers (older women) in leadership. Participants naturally feel safe and seen when older women are facilitating. Our elders who have reached mastership guide the group. Grandmothers care for others and have come to terms with their egos. That's where we want to lead from. This is an expression of natural order based in indigenous life ways.